I knew this semester was going to be a hectic one way before it started, but I don't think I realized just how hectic. With nursing school, work, PLC, friends and family I had to re-evaluate how I spent my time altogether. While it has been a difficult adjustment, I feel like I can finally say that I have worked out a system that allows me to manage all of those aspects of my life at once, which is being organized, managing my time, and making some sacrifices when it comes to spending time with friends and family. Now I'm not saying that everybody should sacrifice all their friend and family time so they can study, however it helps to prioritize what needs to be done and then rewarding yourself some quality time with the fam or having a pizza and movie night with your friends when everything on your list is accomplished for the day. To-Do lists are a must in the later years of college, when classes get tougher and you have more on your plate. So write everything down, prioritize it, and get it done! You will reduce your stress and feel so much more accomplished about your day :)
Peak of the Week
Going to see Wicked with my PLC family!!
Challenge of the Week
Passing my nursing test...which I did :)
Quote of the Week
"Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."
-Earl Nightingale
Song of the Week
Wake Me Up
Pic of the Week

Kaitlyn and I are officially Wicked fans after this weekend! We had such a great day spending time with the rest of our PLC family in OKC!
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