Monday, March 31, 2014

Don't let the weather wither you down!

        Like most people with a Pinterest account, I look at cool things that I want to wear all the time. Why not write about it today? If you were to access my Pinterest right now, you'd find all of my collaborative outfits for my summer study abroad trip to Spain all packed into one pinning board titled "To Wear." The way you present yourself is important. I have turned into an advocate for the notion that what you wear leaves a huge impression on those with who you come into contact.  
        When I was younger I would fight day in and day out with my mom about what I was going to wear to school. Now I realize why she cared so much! Last year during spring semester I found myself resulting to sweats as a presentable option. This is a NO NO, and I heard my mom's voice in my head telling me to get my act together and look like a girl. It is so tempting, I know, to throw on that hoodie 5 minutes before class when it's raining and windy and your professor lectures about boriphil. However, as my Nana always asks me when I do the hoodie and sweats shuffle, "What if the President is there?" Not very probable, but maybe your future spouse will be there, or the executive that wants to offer that internship you've been eyeing for months. First impression is key, so save the PJs for the dorm and strut your style through finals! 

All the best and wishes for less stress,

Kelsey K :) 

Peak of the week:

My 20th Birthday is Sunday, so that's kind of fun! 

Quote of the week:

"Dumbledore would have been happier than anybody to think that there was a little more love in the world." - Professor Minerva McGonagall 

Song of the week:

"Ocean" by John Butler

Pic of the week: 

I can't wait to make these for summer! (See? Pinterest.)

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